Rebel Health Radio

Emotional AUDIT programme - a new idea for group healing

Patricia Worby Episode 19

A new idea for a healing community of people recovering from chronic illness.. I
For years now, I’ve been working with people with all manner of ‘unexplained’ or 'mystery' symptoms of anxiety or chronic fatigue or pain and helping them to see that there is another approach which takes into account what happened to you in childhood. I work to help uncover the hidden trauma or attachment trauma (breaches in trust like betrayal, humiliation or just not getting the support you needed at the right time).

This has profound implications for your biology not just your mental health. The Adverse Childhood Event (ACE) study of 1998 showed us trauma is common and not just the major events like war or abuse but the drip feed of not being enough/unloved or unsupported at some time in your life; so anytime where you were overwhelmed. This can happen through no fault of your parents – if your mother had post natal depression or your birth was difficult, your parents had their own bereavement or someone on the family was ill or struggling financially or maritally.

I wrote a book about this in 2015 (The Scar that won’t Heal) and have been teaching this information and helping people to resolve their own ‘hidden trauma’ on a 121 basis since that time. But recently I’ve been getting various messages from people who have reached out with questions like “is there a way to work with you other than 121? or “is there a way to connect with others doing this work?” or “how can I  go deeper with this content?”

Up to now I’ve had little answer other than recommending my books, podcast or youtube channel but of course this is a purely individual, passive approach ...I had never considered having a space for an online community to grow together.
Of course, it’s something I wanted. I had just never thought it would be possible to create..

But the more I have begun to learn about the potential of online work (yes for sure propelled by the covid pandemic), the more I began to dream..
I started to see a place I could create online where you could:
• Realise you’re not alone in your anxiety or fear
• Begin your journey to healing from trauma in a supportive environment
• Join together with others to create the life you’ve always dreamed of
I can’t stop thinking about how a community dedicated to healing trauma could massively impact the health and wellbeing of so many people and who knows where it could lead us in 1, 3 or even 5 years from now? THAT’S what’s keeping me buzzing.

It’s the progress people could make by working together with me in a group programme designed for that purpose – which as far as I know hasn’t been done yet.

Currently, this idea is very rough around the edges. It’s not created (yet) but the vision is there. And that’s why I’d love to extend an early invitation to you. I want you to be part of this… especially if you’re willing to help me shape this idea. Join me as a Founding Member and if you're willing let's see how we can make this THE best place to support healing and reclaiming people’s lives,

*If you're suffering from Chronic pain, fatigue or anxiety, I CAN HELP*
Alchemy Therapies & Emotional Masterclass

Group Healing Program:
Author/Book site: https//
121 and group therapy and training for stress related conditions like anxiety, fatigue and pain:
See in particular: Thrive! - an introductory mindbody connection program and The Emotional Audit for more intensive training.

Intensive Training Program: