Rebel Health Radio

Collective Trauma - the post-covid anxiety pandemic with Carol Greenwood

Patricia Worby Episode 18

The same week the Film #Thewisdomoftrauma with @GaborMate  is released it feels apt to discuss #Collectivetrauma since the covid pandemic. In this 35 min discussion colleague and fellow therapist Carol Greenwood and I discuss the effect of lockdowns and restrictions on essential contact for healthy human minds and bodies. Our longing for connection is subverted and instead replaced with the idea that we need to fear eachother. This has implications for society as a whole and leads to numbing behaviours that dissociate us from our own bodies and the planet we live on.

The climate crisis we are facing is thus ignored or simply pushed aside as we struggle with the signals of danger we are receiving from our bodies. We simply have no energy left to deal with the bigger picture, despite the looming crisis. But these things are not divorced from one another. Dissociated cultures do not take care of eachother or the planet. We are truly in a toxic culture as @DrGaborMate has said in his most recent book.

We discuss ways in which you can heal your self and those around you by meaningful, attuned connection which helps to heal the wounds of attachment failures triggered by the isolation we have had enforced. There is hope for a new, brighter tomorrow when we come to terms with the nature of our biology as social creatures.

Carol and I can be found individually on (welbeing coaching/ myofascial release) and (trauma therapy and massage) AND together as (multidisciplinary team approach to chronic fatigue and post-viral conditions).

*If you're suffering from Chronic pain, fatigue or anxiety, I CAN HELP*
Alchemy Therapies & Emotional Masterclass

Group Healing Program:
Author/Book site: https//
121 and group therapy and training for stress related conditions like anxiety, fatigue and pain:
See in particular: Thrive! - an introductory mindbody connection program and The Emotional Audit for more intensive training.

Intensive Training Program: