Rebel Health Radio

A new paradigm of health - the Bio-pscyho-social Approach

Patricia Worby Episode 16

In this short 10 min episode I talk about true health as being about more than the absence of disease. That a holistic view of health begins with enhancing our body's innate self-healing capacity and this must take into account our environment in the fullest sense. A bio-psycho-social view of the world looks at our relationships, meaning as well as our physiological health which communicates the state of our internal and external world to our brain via our gut (microbiome) and the autonomic nervous system. This system connects us to our world and relays information about how well we are working - it is the main connection between mind and body.

An imbalanced system will create many symptoms and cause us to feel anxious or conflicted in our lives. Medicine which looks only at healing the body and ignores this vital component often fails to alleviate the pain as it doesn't consider it. In my previous talk  rhr15 with Cath Finegan we applied this  model to Longhaul Covid and why this is poorly treated in conventional medicine. 

The good news is that when this BPS model is applied to any chronic illness, recovery is achievable. The one difficulty can be in using our brains to try to 'figure out' i.e. analyse our way out of our difficulties. Since our brain is a pattern matching organ it can only use what it already knows and predicts. If this is the brain that got us where we are, we have to find a way to rewire that and the autonomic nervous system beyond our previous experience. Another stable (safe) nervous system can do this.

This is why I am working on offering a membership programme to people to study and learn this material to apply to their lives. Breaking out of the necessity of working with me 1-2-1 you will join a group of like-minded people in healing their lives. This programme which I have dubbed the Emotional AUDIT Programme is a 7 step programme that aims to introduce the concepts via written, audio and video material and then apply it to to your own life with the help and support of my group calls/FAQs. I'll be launching this in Autumn 2021 so keep your eyes and ears peeled!

The outline programme is here:

*If you're suffering from Chronic pain, fatigue or anxiety, I CAN HELP*
Alchemy Therapies & Emotional Masterclass

Group Healing Program:
Author/Book site: https//
121 and group therapy and training for stress related conditions like anxiety, fatigue and pain:
See in particular: Thrive! - an introductory mindbody connection program and The Emotional Audit for more intensive training.

Intensive Training Program: