Rebel Health Radio

Healing is Heart-Centred | Finding the Magic of Authentic Connection with Therapist Jenny Lynn

β€’ Patricia Worby, PhD

A conversation about healing from a heart-centred perspective between myself and Jenny Lynn.

Jenny is an expert psychotherapist and trainer who long ago learned how to create deep connection with her clients to help them heal. Find out about her approach and what makes the 'magic' happen.

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For the original interview with Jenny on Raelan Agle's channel:

And the follow up:

Topics covered include:
00:00 Intro and how to change feelings of unworthiness - hypnotherapy reaches unconscious but inner child work is most effective to bring stray parts of you home
05:04 Working with our hearts as practitioners - primal connection so client feels held. Being authentic with clients, model authenticity and kindness.
07:45 Connecting with the nature of being a child, the protective nature of beliefs. Having porous boundaries as professionals - self-disclosure as a tool. Helps client to feel less isolation and validated.
12:43 Models of counselling, Jenny's history of schizophrenia as a bridge with clients - encourages trust. Magic of connecting with feelings in presence of holding, Winnicot's idea of reparenting
16:15 Back to safety, unconditional - how to learn this by observing group work. Energy shifts - channeled into body. heart synchrony/resonance entrainment with others. More efficient.
21.20 Hard to do if you are still wounded - encourages co-dependence of therapist and client. Need to feel grounded to co-create with the client. Quality of training - often very cerebral, not body oriented.
25:40 Paul McKenna's approach - very showy, TV style is very left brain. Right brain approach is more open to process rather than end result. Working abstractly instead. Flexibility of approach allows metaphor, abstraction of for instance parts speaking to us, characters in a story in order to integrate.
31:50 Bringing it all home -  how to find the adult within. Promoting assertiveness and confidence via training. Eric Bern's parent adult child relationship - cognitive tools. Boundaries come from self-love so be firm with them to get needs met. Understanding the why!
36:30 The power pose - how to take up space and own our truth. Changes the feedback loop of how you feel, behave and the experience you receive. Body posture reads out our inner (unconscious) landscape. 
42:35 How are we moving in life? Heart centred approach to authenticity, and emotion (and away from the false, superficial approaches to healing) - opposite of quick fix approach in medicine. A new definition of spirituality. 
46:20 Challenge of AI. Spirit is what animates human beings. Decentralised medicine - disconnecting from the centralised 'healthcare' system. Paradigm shift towards taking back control. Home grown herbs and healing compounds.

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