Rebel Health Radio
New revolutionary health ideas that will blow your mind: from Bruce Lipton to Jack Kruse, the 'new biology' gives you more options for self-healing than ever. Here I make the complex more simple so you can inform yourself to make better choices in healthcare. Covering subjects of trauma healing, nervous system regulation, biofield resonance to the microbiome and beyond, if something exists to help us heal ourselves, I'm there! With interviews with like minded health-seekers and practitioners, book reviews, discussions and Q&A sessions to find out more about this new, expanding medicine coming on-stream now that blows out of the water the old model of medicine based on symptom suppression and drugs. It's more efficient, it's more sustainable and it works! Stay tuned.
Rebel Health Radio
Biology is Quantum - How Well our Bodies Transmit Information Determines our Quality of Life
In-form-ation - broken down. We've been lied to all these years about what are bodies are and how they work. The new science of quantum biology turns everything we thought we knew on its head.
Order my new book, Mind Medicine π https://mybook.to/mindmedicine π It will change the way you think about the power of the unconscious in healing dis-ease. Take back control! Find your own: Mind Medicine. π₯
Topics covered include:
00:00 Quality of Information from past and current resonance changes your experience of life.
02:50 Biomolecular science ignores energy and information flow - a reductionist view ignores the life force
04:38 Life is illuminated - DNA and water both vibrate. Water in particular forms a vital information store in the body. Is formed via mitochondria in our cells during metabolism
06:08 Biological water forms a liquid crystal matrix which transmits information. Beneviste's DNA experiments showed that the vibration of the DNA can be transmitted to a nearby test-tube that is empty of DNA via self-assembly. Derided as pseudo-science at the time now we accept it is resonance that holds information
08:30 How energy interacts with emotion to create different cellular patterns towards an inflammatory pattern
09:50 Find your tribe, connect with nature and natural daylight to enhance your health. Check out the Awakening Heart Collective.
*If you're suffering from Chronic pain, fatigue or anxiety, I CAN HELP*
CONTACT ME: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/
Alchemy Therapies & Emotional Masterclass
Group Healing Program: http://myemotionalaudit.com
Author/Book site: https//patriciaworby.com
Podcast: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/po...
121 and group therapy and training for stress related conditions like anxiety, fatigue and pain: https://alchemytherapies.co.uk
See in particular: Thrive! - an introductory mindbody connection program and The Emotional Audit for more intensive training.
Intensive Training Program: https://emotionalmasterclass.com