Rebel Health Radio

The Power of Decentralised Medicine | Uncovering a New Formula for Health and Wellbeing

Patricia Worby, PhD

Looking at a new concept in medicine - that of decentralisation - taking back control and making surprising but simple changes to your lifestyle to enhance health.

Find Dr Boon Lim's talk for the Awakening Heart Collective here

00:00 Intro to decentralised medicine - taking back control of your health. Especially important in chronic conditions like CFS/ME which are not dealt with well by conventional medicine.
03:07 Integrative medicine - Dr Boon Lim as an example - a cardiologist who uses HRV as well as more conventional methods, to measure your autonomic (nervous system) health- the importance of breath to regulate.
06:40 Sunlight as a nutrient - not just foods supply this. Better than supplementation as it helps boost mitochondrial function without the limitation of poor digestion. Autonomic regulation (vagal toning, etc) is much more likely to benefit those with low energy/immunity.
08:36 We need daylight every day through the skin and eyes. Huge difference in irradiance between indoors and outdoors so exercise outdoors. Important for eye health and inflammatory brain disease like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.
11:15 Sound like binaural beats - helps brain coherence (resonance) and change your brain state away from beta (fight and flight) to alpha (rest and digest/flow state). Input vs. output. Dysautonomia common in long covid.
13:31 EMDR - Eye movement densitisation and reprocessing helps us reprocess childhood trauma as over that then stops triggering your autonomic nervous system unconsciously.
14:43 Taking back control - some innovative clinicians are working within the centralised system enables you to work as a team.
16:50 My history from centralised to decentralised. (Imperial College to solo practitioner). Promotes personalised medicine. Future talks for the Awakening Heart Collection.

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